
Living in Honduras for the past 8 years has been an amazing adventure. People often ask me what's a normal day like for me. Well, there is nothing normal about any day of my family's life in Honduras. It's an adventure. I hope to be able to share some of our daily adventures and experiences through this blog. Enjoy!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Diana & Rene born,May 13, 2007

Last Sunday, May 13, 2007, Diana Beltrand and Rene Ramos were baptized into Christ at the church in San Marcos. Both of these adolescents were good friends with Hanibal Martinez, who passed away on May 10th. The example that Hanibal lived by is what moved these two to accept Christ into their lives just like Hanibal. Diana is currently the oldest child of the Mission Lazarus Refuge. We are really excited about the example that she is setting for all of the children that live at the Mission Lazarus Refuge.


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