
Living in Honduras for the past 8 years has been an amazing adventure. People often ask me what's a normal day like for me. Well, there is nothing normal about any day of my family's life in Honduras. It's an adventure. I hope to be able to share some of our daily adventures and experiences through this blog. Enjoy!

Friday, February 27, 2009

And Then There Were Four

Well, it's done. After 6 hard days of work the 27 men from Berry's Chapel church of Christ did it. We now have 4 homes at the Mission Lazarus Refuge. The leadership provided by Mac Hughes was phenomenal. The team work by the guys was outstanding. The group of guys flew back to the US today. Thanks for all the hard work and laughs, especially Ron Carlos....


At 9:30 PM, Blogger Poppa H said...

Thank you for the great photographs. They are inspiring and motivational. Great job, Tenn Brothers, local workers, and Mission Lazarus team there. Such evidence of the work being accomplished is indeed heartening. Way to go J.B., MCH, et al


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